ActionSA Joburg Caucus Welcomes the Warrant of Arrest Against City Manager, Floyd Brink
ActionSA Joburg has cautioned the City of Johannesburg on many occasions to address the dysfunctional billing system.
ActionSA Joburg has cautioned the City of Johannesburg on many occasions to address the dysfunctional billing system.
ActionSA believes it is extremely disconcerting that the political parties represented in the National Assembly continue to vote for and receive increased funding whilst vital public services and organisations face budget cuts.
ActionSA is highly concerned about the dire state of the South African economy, highlighted in the IMF’s latest World Economic Outlook report.
In lieu of President Herman Mashaba’s three-day campaign trail in the Limpopo Province, I along with Limpopo Provincial Chairperson, Victor Mothemela and Regional Chairperson, Dr Ndina Singo today have reiterated ActionSA’s commitment to insource Security Personnel, Cleaners, Home-Based and various workers contracted by the Municipality.
Today, ActionSA donated food parcels to the uMfolozi TVET College, Esikhawini Campus, following the EFF Student Command-led SRC requested our assistance in this regard, after their cries to the leader of the EFF fell on deaf ears.
The start of ActionSA’s Worst Roads Tour appropriately began in the North West Province with inspections of roads on the north eastern side of the province.
ActionSA strongly objects at attempts from former Speaker of the National Assembly, Ms. Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula, to have the Department of Defence and Military Veterans bear the costs of her criminal case for corruption.
Remarks by ActionSA Mpumalanga Premier Candidate Thoko Mashiane outside the NPA Headquarters following ActionSA’s picket over the NPA’s delay in prosecuting those involved in the Lily Mine tragedy of February 2016.
ActionSA has, today, together with the families, held a picket in front of the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) headquarters in Pretoria to express our deep concern that seven months after the Mbombela Magistrate’s Court found, in mid-October last year, that the NPA should consider criminal prosecution against individuals for the Lily Mine tragedy of February 2016, the NPA is yet to make a decision on possible prosecution.
ActionSA is deeply concerned that Edwin Sodi and his associated companies Blackhead Consulting and NJR Projects have not yet been blacklisted by National Treasury and have not been included on the data base of Restricted Suppliers.
ActionSA in Tshwane welcomes the recent decision by City Manager, Mr Johann Mettler, to place five municipal officials on precautionary suspension in relation to the Rooiwal tender awarded to Blackhead Consulting.
The Ugu District Municipality’s failure to provide clean, drinkable water to the community of Port Edward for the past 3 to 9 years represents a severe violation of their basic constitutional rights. Access to clean water is not just a necessity but a fundamental human right outlined in the South African Constitution.
The White Paper, in its current iteration, still fails to adequately address skilled immigration into South Africa which could assist in growing our sluggish economy and creating jobs.
I along with Gauteng Provincial leadership have spent the latter part of this morning engaging with the security guards and cleaners that have been camping outside the Department of Health for 9 days following their termination.
ActionSA warmly received the State of the Capital Address by Mayor Cilliers Brink, however, we note with concern the silence on urgent coalition matters and some key priorities areas such as the restoration of dignity to our security and cleaning personnel through insourcing.