ActionSA Applauds Executive Mayor’s Firm Action on Accountability and Clean Governance in Tshwane

ActionSA commends Executive Mayor Dr Nasiphi Moya and her coalition partners for taking decisive steps to restore ethical governance, enforce consequence management, and strengthen financial accountability in the City of Tshwane.

Today, the Auditor-General of South Africa (AGSA) tabled the City’s 2023/24 audited annual report before Council. The report highlights continued stagnation in Tshwane’s audit outcomes, with the AG identifying several root causes including weak consequence management, financial mismanagement, and administrative failures as key factors behind the City’s governance challenges.

Unlike previous administrations that failed to act, Dr Moya and her coalition partners are addressing these issues head-on, ensuring that those who undermine service delivery and misuse public funds face real consequences. This is the decisive leadership that ActionSA stands for.

This is clearly demonstrated by the progress reported by the Executive Mayor following the latest meeting of the City’s Consequence Management Committee (CMC).

The Executive Mayor reported that the City has:

– Concluded 180 forensic investigations, resulting in:

– 129 cases where disciplinary action has been recommended against employees.

– 39 cases referred for criminal prosecution.

– 48 cases identified for financial recoveries.

– Investigated R3.6 billion in unauthorised, irregular, fruitless, and wasteful (UIFW) expenditure in Q2, with findings now being processed by the Municipal Public Accounts Committee (MPAC) for action.

– Dismissed 67 officials following disciplinary processes, while 31 officials have received final written warnings.

– Referred 70 cases to the Financial Disciplinary Board (FDB) for financial misconduct—the first time such referrals have been made in the City.

The dismissal of corrupt and non-performing officials sends a clear message that mismanagement, inefficiency, and corruption will no longer be tolerated in the City of Tshwane.

We also welcome the coalition’s commitment to implementing steps that will address these issues going forward and ensure a culture of consequence management.

These steps include:

– Clearing the backlog of over 1,000 inherited forensic reports to ensure that past corruption does not go unpunished.

– Reducing wasteful expenditure on prolonged precautionary suspensions, which have already cost the City R30 million.

– Embedding a culture of accountability, professionalism, and consequence management to address the causes of stagnation in Tshwane’s audit performance.

This is the kind of strong, accountable governance that ActionSA fights for. Unlike other political parties that shield corrupt officials, ActionSA believes in decisive action to ensure that every cent of public money is spent on improving service delivery.

As further evidence of Dr Nasiphi Moya’s determined pursuit to turn around the City of Tshwane, the Auditor General, on Wednesday, took the opportunity before Parliament’s Standing Committee on Public Accounts to acknowledge the positive engagements the AG has had with the City under the leadership of Dr Moya.

ActionSA will continue to support the Executive Mayor and her coalition partners in their efforts to restore good governance in Tshwane. The 100-Day Plan has already demonstrated that real change is happening, and ActionSA remains committed to delivering an ethical, accountable, and service-driven government that residents deserve.
