ActionSA Joburg Caucus Calls for Extra-Ordinary Council Meeting to rescind R200 electricity service fee

ActionSA Joburg Caucus is gravely concerned about the deterioration of Service Delivery within the City of Johannesburg.

We are reliably informed that for the City to function, the AFD loan must be approved.

ActionSA Joburg Caucus has been furnished with the relevant documentation regarding this loan proposal. We, therefore, call upon the Speaker of Council, Cllr Margret Arnold to convene an Extra- Ordinary Meeting to deliberate on two critical matters:

– AFD Loan request

– Rescinding the R200 Electricity service fee

ActionSA Joburg Caucus strongly believes that the R200 electricity service is misplaced and will only exacerbate the financial woes of the already burdened residents of Johannesburg. We have suggested means and ways of bolstering revenue collection in the city of Johannesburg and such does not include the baseless service fees as imposed by the city.

ActionSA Joburg Caucus is willing to concede to the loan item provided that the City Rescinds the R200 Electricity service fee but furthermore, the City must aggressively target the Provincial and National departments that are owing City Power and Joburg Water millions of rands.

ActionSA Joburg Caucus will closely monitor the use of the R2,5billion loan and ensure that every cent is accounted for. As a constructive opposition we will continue to support items that are beneficial to our residents and caution the executives where we believe they have erred.
