ActionSA Launches No Vote, No Voice, No Change Registration Campaign

Today, ActionSA structures across South Africa will launch an unprecedented registration campaign that aims to register over 150000 South Africans across the country. 

The message of this ActionSA campaign is: No Vote, No Voice, No Change. This message is aimed at dispelling the notion that a stay away from the polls can deliver change.  

ActionSA wants all South Africans who love their country and hate what has been done to it to not sit back any longer an ever-decreasing minority to determine the direction of our country – this being the case in recent elections where 27 million non-voters have outnumbered the 12 million who did vote. 

Over the past 2 years ActionSA has focussed on building branches in all 9 provinces of the country. Teams of volunteers from these branches have canvassed their communities and identified 150000 South Africans who need to register before they can cast their vote in next year’s elections. 

Of particular interest is the fact that over 20% of ActionSA’s 250000 members are unregistered and prospective first-time voters in 2024. This significant large portion of our member base reveal the extent to which ActionSA is attracting the support of South Africans who would otherwise not vote. 

It is unsurprising that ActionSA is becoming a home to more and more first-time voters and those who have given up on other political parties. The challenges confronting South Africans have arisen not only from a governing party that has failed, but by an inability of opposition parties to inspire.  

The work of providing hope to South Africans begins with this registration campaign. From today, ActionSA structures will embark upon programmes of taking South Africans to regional IEC offices to register and conducting mobile online voter registration at various locations. This takes place alongside the readying of a massive logistical operation to transport people to register to vote on the 18th and 19th of November 2023.  

The mounting challenges facing South Africans have reached a point where 2024 has become the crossroads election for our country. It is clear that our country cannot sustain another 5 years under a government whose legacy has become continuous load shedding, crippling unemployment, rising prices, sovereignty of the country being undermined, and some of the highest violent crime rates in the world. It has become equally clear that the solution to each of these challenges has to begin with a change of government.  

ActionSA will work tirelessly over the coming weeks and over the 18 & 19 November registration weekend to ensure that every South African who seeks change for their country can walk into a voting station next year, receive a ballot paper and enter a booth to start the change to Fix South Africa. 
