ActionSA NW Extends Condolences to Rre Rammusi Prince Mmahuma Family

ActionSA has just learned of the passing of Rre Rammusi Prince Mmahuma and extends its most heartfelt condolences to the Mmahuma family for their loss.

Rre Mmahuma had been ill for some time and last night his family called to inform me that he had succumbed to his illness.

I had already arranged to check on him in the coming weeks, however this was dealt a blow by this news.

Rre Mmahuma served as a Secretary of Department of Economic Affairs and became a Governor of Odi Region in the erstwhile Bophuthatswana from 1990 to 1994.

He also served as a National Administrator of United Christian Democratic Party in 1996 until 2004 when he retired. At the time of his death, Mmahuma was a member of ActionSA in good standing.

He will also be remembered as a true patriot and an ethical leader who served this country diligently in many different roles. His involvement in government and civil society inspired us all. 

As the leadership of the North-West Province, we will keep the family and friends of Rre Mmahuma in our thoughts and prayers.

May his soul rest in peace.
