ActionSA Reviews PR List, Names Mashaba’s Replacement in Joburg Council

ActionSA has concluded its review of our PR lists in the Gauteng Metros following the local government election.

This process initiated by our Senate, ActionSA’s highest decision-making body, aimed to ensure that the dedication, work ethic and commitment to communities became the key consideration in the PR lists of these municipalities.

We are pleased by the results which have produced lists that acknowledge and reward the hard work of so many deserving candidates who eagerly seek the privilege of serving their communities.

Nowhere is the value of this process better demonstrated than in Johannesburg. The process produced a result which saw 47-year-old Soweto candidate, Kabelo Moatshe, emerge as the top of the PR list.

Kabelo Moatshe will fill Herman Mashaba’s vacancy at the end of February. It serves as a demonstration, in the face of a handful of former members, that hard work and dedication to communities will be recognised and rewarded.

We are equally pleased to announce that Novina Pillay has emerged as the top candidate in Tshwane and Juanita Tourien in Ekurhuleni, both of whom will fill current vacancies.

ActionSA’s Senate has resolved that our lists will be reviewed on an annual basis to ensure that any candidates that seeks to improve their prospect of serving their communities has the opportunity to do so.

This review is a major step for ActionSA’s building of internal institutions to ensure that processes are implemented that reward excellence from individuals with a track record of serving their communities.
