ActionSA to Launch 9 Branches in Moretele

On Saturday 4 June 2022, Kgosi Kwena Mangope, ActionSA North-West Provincial Chairperson will lead the launch of 9 branches in Moretele at Mogogelo village in the North-West Province.

At one big event, all branches to be launched will be represented in no particular order as follows:

  • Cyfersruil
  • Makapanstad
  • Mathibestad
  • Maubane (2 branches)
  • Moeka
  • Mogogelo (2 branches)
  • Moral

Branch launches are a big part of expanding ActionSA’s footprint across the province in particular and the country generally as we proceed with #Project2024 campaign.

The people of North-West have suffered in silence for far too long. It is time to reclaim the Province from incompetent government officials who have held the province back for far too long and replace them with ethical and competent leaders who will prioritise the needs of society ahead of party-political interests.

Venue: Mogogelo Village (at the Church opposite Ga-Mosidi Hardware)

Date: 04 June 2022

Time: 10h00

Google Maps Coordinates to Mogogelo Village.
