ActionSA Tshwane Leadership Brings Title Deeds and Services to Wolmer

On Saturday, 20 August, ActionSA Councillors made a joint effort to meet with the Community of Wolmer in Pretoria North. ActionSA President Herman Mashaba visited a food distribution two weeks prior. This was started by ActionSA Members, Vitesh Hurinanthan and Krishnee Govender, a few months ago for the community of Wolmer.

A huge portion of this community lives in Municipal houses, but despite many promises the residents have been waiting for their title deeds for over twenty years. What was once a middle-class neighborhood, is now visibly ridden with poverty, and hijacked properties that have become drug dens.

This is clear evidence that this community has been forgotten by previous administrations.

ActionSA multiparty coalition MMCs, namely, Abel Tau for Housing & Human Settlement, Peggy de Bruin for Social Development & Community Services and André le Roux for Economic Development & Spatial Planning, Section79 Committee Chairpersons for Community Safety & Security and Roads & Transport, Nkele Molapo and Brendon Govender respectively joined all Tshwane councillors for this community outreach.

MMC Tau addressed the Residents of Wolmer and gave them an update on the title deeds. Of the 260 that were registered so far, 65 are ready to be handed over and the MMC will be handing them over on the date yet to be announced.

Furthermore, there are 145 registrations still outstanding, which the Department of Housing and Human Settlements will assist within the next two weeks.

Residents are invited by the MMC to complete the registration process for title deeds if they haven’t yet done so, at the Akasia Municipality offices in  KarenPark.

MMC Peggy de Bruin spoke to the community about the Indigent Programme the City of Tshwane offers which entitles them to a free basket of goods which includes:

  • A refuse bin for refuse removal
  • 100KWh Electricity per month
  • 12KL water per month
  • 100% rebates on property rates and Refuse removal

We have a responsibility to look after the most vulnerable in our society and provide them with a safety net. This is a promise made in our 2021 LGE manifesto and we are determined to honour it.

ActionSA believes we need a strong city economy in order to give people the opportunity to better their circumstances which MMC André le Roux diligently engaged community members on.  

The work of fixing South Africa at local governments and our Councillors are working tirelessly to fix what has been neglected and broken by the previous administration.

We believe sustained and decisive action that we will improve the quality of life for all South Africans. We believe that the needs of the residents of our municipalities must be central to everything we do as a government.
