ActionSA supported the approval of a Short-Term Debt Facility for the 2022/2023 Financial Year in council on Thursday, in accordance with section 45 of the Municipal Finance Management Act (MFMA), (Act no. 56 of 2003).
This will improve the city’s liquidity and ensure that service delivery continues uninterrupted.
This Short-Term facility should, however, not be viewed as a lifebuoy that will save the city from sinking, but the city should continue implementing initiatives such as the Tshwane-ya-Tima campaign to improve the revenue collection and liquidity of the city.
ActionSA expects the city to implement additional strategic methods of revenue collection and cashflow management, with the end of this term of government delivering financial surplus and an improving service delivery machinery.
Since we entered council, ActionSA has been seized with ensuring prudent financial management within the City of Tshwane, bearing special focus on eliminating fruitless and wasteful expenditure, maleficence, corruption, and theft. These have been characteristics of the public service country wide, and the city of Tshwane have not been immune.
We are, therefore, making a call to the accounting officer to ensure that this debt facility is utilized appropriately to address the service delivery deficiencies which have become a lived reality for the residents of our capital city.
We remain resolute that the City of Tshwane’s finance cannot be allowed to be mismanaged at the expense of our residents, business, the bodies of academic institutions and embassies.
Instead, in line with ActionSA’s election promises, good governance and ethical leadership should be installed to best serve the interests of the city’s residents.
ActionSA Tshwane Supports Short-Term Debt Facility Ensuring Service Delivery Continues
ActionSA supported the approval of a Short-Term Debt Facility for the 2022/2023 Financial Year in council on Thursday, in accordance with section 45 of the Municipal Finance Management Act (MFMA), (Act no. 56 of 2003).
This will improve the city’s liquidity and ensure that service delivery continues uninterrupted.
This Short-Term facility should, however, not be viewed as a lifebuoy that will save the city from sinking, but the city should continue implementing initiatives such as the Tshwane-ya-Tima campaign to improve the revenue collection and liquidity of the city.
ActionSA expects the city to implement additional strategic methods of revenue collection and cashflow management, with the end of this term of government delivering financial surplus and an improving service delivery machinery.
Since we entered council, ActionSA has been seized with ensuring prudent financial management within the City of Tshwane, bearing special focus on eliminating fruitless and wasteful expenditure, maleficence, corruption, and theft. These have been characteristics of the public service country wide, and the city of Tshwane have not been immune.
We are, therefore, making a call to the accounting officer to ensure that this debt facility is utilized appropriately to address the service delivery deficiencies which have become a lived reality for the residents of our capital city.
We remain resolute that the City of Tshwane’s finance cannot be allowed to be mismanaged at the expense of our residents, business, the bodies of academic institutions and embassies.
Instead, in line with ActionSA’s election promises, good governance and ethical leadership should be installed to best serve the interests of the city’s residents.