Crime Stats: Small Decrease in Murders Offers Little Comfort as Violence Against Women and Children Persists
Dereleen James
ActionSA Member of the National Assembly
ActionSA remain concerned about the latest crime statistics for Q1 2024/2025, which reveal a marginal decrease in the murder rate, with 6,198 murders recorded between April and June 2024. This reduction amounting to 69 murders per day compared to 73 per day in the previous quarter, may seem encouraging at first glance. However, it is crucial to recognise that this still represents a horrifying level of violence, with nearly 3 murders occurring every hour in South Africa.
Particularly alarming is the targeted violence against women and children. The first quarter of 2024/2025 saw 966 women and 314 children murdered – an appalling statistic that underscores the failure of our government to protect the most vulnerable members of our society. These figures translate to 11 women and 3 children being murdered every day. Despite the slight improvement from the previous quarter’s figures, where 253 children were killed, the daily reality of these tragedies continues to be a national shame.
ActionSA believes that the ongoing failure to address these issues demands urgent action. The South African Police Service (SAPS) requires comprehensive reform to restore public trust and ensure the safety of all citizens. This reform must include the reinstatement of specialised policing units to combat complex crimes and syndicates, increased training and recruitment of officers, and a redirection of resources currently allocated to VIP protection towards community safety.
Moreover, it is essential to address the socio-economic drivers of crime, which contribute to the high levels of violence across the country. Until these root causes are tackled, South Africa will continue to see the senseless loss of lives, particularly among women and children.
ActionSA remains committed to presenting a credible alternative to the current system. We believe that with strong leadership, political willpower, and a clear strategy, we can turn the tide on crime and restore safety to our communities.
Crime Stats: Small Decrease in Murders Offers Little Comfort as Violence Against Women and Children Persists
ActionSA remain concerned about the latest crime statistics for Q1 2024/2025, which reveal a marginal decrease in the murder rate, with 6,198 murders recorded between April and June 2024. This reduction amounting to 69 murders per day compared to 73 per day in the previous quarter, may seem encouraging at first glance. However, it is crucial to recognise that this still represents a horrifying level of violence, with nearly 3 murders occurring every hour in South Africa.
Particularly alarming is the targeted violence against women and children. The first quarter of 2024/2025 saw 966 women and 314 children murdered – an appalling statistic that underscores the failure of our government to protect the most vulnerable members of our society. These figures translate to 11 women and 3 children being murdered every day. Despite the slight improvement from the previous quarter’s figures, where 253 children were killed, the daily reality of these tragedies continues to be a national shame.
ActionSA believes that the ongoing failure to address these issues demands urgent action. The South African Police Service (SAPS) requires comprehensive reform to restore public trust and ensure the safety of all citizens. This reform must include the reinstatement of specialised policing units to combat complex crimes and syndicates, increased training and recruitment of officers, and a redirection of resources currently allocated to VIP protection towards community safety.
Moreover, it is essential to address the socio-economic drivers of crime, which contribute to the high levels of violence across the country. Until these root causes are tackled, South Africa will continue to see the senseless loss of lives, particularly among women and children.
ActionSA remains committed to presenting a credible alternative to the current system. We believe that with strong leadership, political willpower, and a clear strategy, we can turn the tide on crime and restore safety to our communities.