Energy Crisis: Matric Learners Subjected to Studying Under Flashlights

ActionSA is gravely concerned about thousands of matric learners, who since the matric exams started, have been subjected to studying with flashlights and candles due to the on-going loadshedding crisis.

ActionSA calls on the Northern Cape MEC for Education to urgently announce a plan to mitigate these outages in the immediate term to mitigate what damage has been already done during the 2023 Matric Exam cycle as a result of loadshedding.

Images of matric learners all over the country, like those in SA Van Wyk High School in Springbok, Northern Cape, have been emerging on various social media platforms. These learners do not only struggle with the ability to efficiently read and study under these conditions, but they are unable to access essential learning tools and devices which are key for modern day teaching and learning to take place.

It is gravely concerning that the Ministry of Basic Education failed to pre-empt how hundreds of leaners across the country will be directly impacted by this crisis.

ActionSA demands to know how Minister of Basic Education, Angie Motshekga, plans to mitigate the disruption of learning and studying. We demand a short-term plan from the Ministry as to how they will remedy this regrettable situation.

Our policy advocates for immediate interventions in critical sectors such as education to ensure schools and other places of learning are protected against loadshedding to avoid interruptions in learning and teaching.

It is becoming abundantly clear that we cannot continue to be solely reliant on Eskom which has failed us, time and again.
