The South African people have been ruled by unethical leaders for decades. The most vulnerable of our people have endured oppressive policies and leaders who steal from the public purse. Except for the handful of leaders that championed South Africa’s transition to a democratic state, the national government has been led by individuals and organisations that only serve themselves.

The main challenges to leadership in South Africa include:

  • Crisis of leadership: corruption, cronyism, nepotism and cadre deployment are hallmarks of South Africa’s political leadership. The systematic State Capture has damaged state institutions and abandoned the once-revered concept of Ubuntu.
  • Corruption: recent events prove that corruption is at the core of the ruling party and it is even celebrated.

What We Believe

Our Solutions Blueprint

  • Ethical leadership that supports the interests of all South Africans. South Africa’s interests are more important than the party’s interests.
  • Holding all leaders, elected officials and staff members to the highest ethical standards. We will implement strong measures of accountability.
  • Prohibiting all ActionSA Office Bearers and Public Representatives, as well as their families, from doing business with the state.
  • Placing public interest before personal profit. Party members found to be pursuing personal interests at the cost of the public interest, whether legal or illegal, will be expelled from the party.
  • Ensuring that individuals in the public service and political executive have the correct skillsets and experience to fulfil the duties of their office effectively.
  • Proactively ensuring women and people with disabilities are represented in leadership structures, without enforcing quotas.
  • Mentoring our party leaders and ensuring continuous personal development and training.
  • Facilitating regular discussions within the party to ensure our leaders are held accountable and pursue policies to grow a prosperous and united South Africa.
  • Require civil and political leaders to attend cultural sensitivity training to ensure that the leaders of our country are more informed about our country’s diverse cultural practices, and have the emotional intelligence to navigate the leadership challenges of leading diverse communities.
  • Reduce the size of the national cabinet to a maximum of 25 members. We will not have any deputy-ministers.
  • Reverse the trend of politicians acting like celebrities. We will incentivise performance through a sophisticated performance-measurement system. Benefits must be earned and term-limitations will be implemented to discourage career politicians.
  • Depoliticise technical decision-making by adopting mechanisms to ensure that all policy decisions related to fields such as health, law enforcement, building regulations, environmental protection, infrastructure development and other areas based in scientific methods are adequately informed by peer-reviewed evidence and data.
  • Expand access to ICT to improve transparency and citizen participation in government decision-making processes.
  • Reverse all appointments made through nepotistic practices or cadre deployment.
  • Exempt executive and critical positions in the state from employment equity considerations and adopt recruitment practices that focus only on merit.
  • Provide additional capacity to the National Prosecuting Authority to prosecute senior government officials and all political office holders that have participated in corrupt activities.
  • We will transform the civil service through a change management programme that reintroduces pride in serving the public, addresses toxic work environments, establishes effective management practices and rewards employees for work well done.