ActionSA condemns the appointment of state-capture accused at Gauteng Department

ActionSA vehemently condemns the appointment of state-capture accused, Des van Rooyen, and Papa Leshabane as official members of the Gauteng Enterprise Propellor and Tourism Authority Boards.

Among the 460 applications received by the Department of Economic Development, two of the 31 available positions were taken by former Finance Minister Van Rooyen and former Director of now obsolete Bosasa, Leshabane, indicating that corruption was rampant.

This is a direct reflection of the lawlessness which has spread throughout the country as our government continues to reward money hungry and corrupt individuals.

Despite the release of the Zondo report over a year ago, which implicated several current and former members of Parliament for advancing their own agendas at the expense of South Africans, none of them have been prosecuted.

ActionSA maintains that corruption should be declared enemy number one and that a zero-tolerance approach should be implemented.

The fight against corruption requires the support of members of society to ensure that unethical behaviour and misconduct are addressed immediately for the betterment of the country.

Long gone are the days that state resources are used for the self-enrichment of a few. As ActionSA, we believe that individuals who are found wanting should be held accountable and not promoted, as was the case with the two accused. It is crucial that preventative measures are applied.

ActionSA remains committed to fighting against the decay and exploitation of the country. It is time for corruption and greed to cease; they have already cost South Africans immensely.
