ActionSA is pleased by the positive response from SARS to Hammanskraal community concerns

ActionSA is pleased with the swift response we have received from the office of the South African Revenue Services (SARS) Commissioner, Mr Edward Kieswetter, following a recent in loco inspection of Kudube Ext 2, in Temba Hammanskraal, where the community had become targets of criminal activity and multiple by-law infringements.

During the visit, it became evident that a substantial amount of law enforcement needed to be undertaken by various spheres of government, including intervention by SARS, to ensure that businesses operating within the area were legal, tax compliant, and not trading in counterfeit goods. In correspondence received by ActionSA, the Commissioner’s Office has committed to addressing the concerns outlined in our initial letter by 13 June 2021. 

ActionSA and the community of Temba hope that SARS, together with other law enforcement agencies, will outline a comprehensive plan for combating illegality within the area – and finally address law enforcement failures that have gone unattended by the DA-led City of Tshwane as well as the South African Police Service.

While the SARS Commissioner has seen fit to take the complaints raised by the Temba community seriously, we have yet to receive any acknowledgement of our urgent correspondence outlining the community’s concerns from the Mayor of Tshwane, Cllr Randall Williams, nor the Minister of Home Affairs, Dr Aaron Motsoaledi. We hope that both the Mayor and the Minister will take the community’s concern seriously by addressing the alleged illegal activities undertaken by undocumented persons in the community. This is important for preserving the rule of law and ensure that the City of Tshwane is better able to lobby the National Government for additional resources to care for all its residents. 

ActionSA is committed to working with SARS, and all other spheres of government, to ensure that the laws of our country are upheld and that our cities are functional and safer for all citizens. 

The people of Tshwane deserve a caring, committed and inclusive government. ActionSA stands ready to provide a real alternative to the broken governance that has failed the people of our country.
