ActionSA believes educators are critical to the reforms we need in the education system, and we need to collaborate with them- ensuring that we improve the educational outcomes for leaners as a primary goal. We will prioritize an amendment of the salary restructures for educators and ensure the allocation of a sufficient budget for this initiative to attract and retain high calibre professionals to the teaching profession.
We believe that education should be left to Educators and be free from political interference and cadre deployment. Labour unions exercise undue influence over the education system- with their overreach causing major inefficiencies, and fruitless use of financial resources. Whilst we recognise that unions have a vital role to play in promoting and advancing the interest of educators- however we cannot allow SADTU to dictate policy and administrative decisions.
South African’s current lived reality contrasts sharply with the beautiful promises of the past that once filled South Africa with hopes and dreams. It has been 70 years since the adoption of the Freedom Charter, and yet, 30 years into our democracy, we find our education system in tatters.
At the dawn of our democracy in 1994 and in subsequent years, the failures of the education system were rightfully blamed on the apartheid system.
We remain in disbelief that the governing party attributes the collapse of the inner City of Johannesburg and building fires which recently claimed 77 lives on apartheid. The ruling party has run out of excuses and conveniently reverting to the then failures of the previous apartheid system- three decades on.
South Africans once believed that the ANC was going to change our education system for the betterment of all. We were led to believe that education under apartheid was devised to undermine human dignity, to erode the capacity for creative thinking, divide people into categories of worth, undermining the possibilities of learning for most young South Africans.
To date, our rural learners are being swept away by overflowing rivers, drowning in pit latrines, learning under trees, and don’t have adequate learning material. The harshest reality is that these learners are black, not failing to mention the harsh challenges facing girl leaners- as they are unable to access sanitary towels.
ActionSA believes that feeding schemes need to be adequately funded in order to serve indigent communities to ensure adequate access to nutrition. We believe that pit toilets and mud schools must be eradicated and the dignity of girl learner to be restored by providing access to free sanitary towels.
It is a sad indictment on our society that condoms are freely available for sex, which is a choice, but not sanitary pads for menstruation which is not a choice!
It is now up to us once again as South Africans to reject this useless, uncaring government and step up to clean up the mess we find ourselves in!
South Africa needs an education system that seeks to deliver a multi-faceted approach to quality education and one that ensures that all relevant stakeholders and departments play their part. In our quest to level the playing field, we will embrace creative solutions, including the use of technology.
We believe that in addressing some of the challenges we face, ActionSA will reinstate Teacher Training Colleges, retrain educators, ensure fit-for-purpose placements, implement performance management, offer incentives, and as well as practicals for student teachers.
ActionSA will structure the vocational education stream to develop technical and artisan skills that are in demand in South Africa’s economy and increase the chances of employment of graduates.
We believe that role of ECDs is critical and forms the cornerstone to Basic Education, together with the importance of Special Needs and remedial Education. People with disabilities have long been telling society that they too can be active citizens in the economy, rather than automatic recipients of income grants.
ActionSA believes that South Africa’s education system needs to produce learners that actively participate in the economy of our country and capacitated with practical life skills such as financial literacy, entrepreneurship, computer skills and other vocational skills required by the economic growth as encapsulated in our ActionSA policies.
We have adopted an approach that assesses what is effective versus what is not, ensuring that the content of policies and plans is practically implementable. We evaluate the return on investment of previous projects and interventions before introducing any changes.
ActionSA has adopted a scaffolding approach to Basic Education where each education phase is linked to the next. Our ECD approach for example, through mother-tongue and English instruction, puts in place the foundation for basic numeracy and literacy and age-appropriate, practical life skills, Foundation Phase builds on that foundation in terms of developing literacy and basic maths and other phases continue to build on that solid foundation.
The implementation of the comprehensive National Reading Plan will be made a priority. ActionSA believes that we cannot continue to tolerate a situation where 82% of 10-year-old leaners cannot read for meaning in their mother tongue. We must act with immense urgency to create a nation of readers.
Beyond the rhetoric and politricking, ActionSA believes that South Africans deserve to enjoy the benefits of an equal education system and a country that works.
ActionSA’s New Vision & Pathway for Education
ActionSA believes educators are critical to the reforms we need in the education system, and we need to collaborate with them- ensuring that we improve the educational outcomes for leaners as a primary goal. We will prioritize an amendment of the salary restructures for educators and ensure the allocation of a sufficient budget for this initiative to attract and retain high calibre professionals to the teaching profession.
We believe that education should be left to Educators and be free from political interference and cadre deployment. Labour unions exercise undue influence over the education system- with their overreach causing major inefficiencies, and fruitless use of financial resources. Whilst we recognise that unions have a vital role to play in promoting and advancing the interest of educators- however we cannot allow SADTU to dictate policy and administrative decisions.
South African’s current lived reality contrasts sharply with the beautiful promises of the past that once filled South Africa with hopes and dreams. It has been 70 years since the adoption of the Freedom Charter, and yet, 30 years into our democracy, we find our education system in tatters.
At the dawn of our democracy in 1994 and in subsequent years, the failures of the education system were rightfully blamed on the apartheid system.
We remain in disbelief that the governing party attributes the collapse of the inner City of Johannesburg and building fires which recently claimed 77 lives on apartheid. The ruling party has run out of excuses and conveniently reverting to the then failures of the previous apartheid system- three decades on.
South Africans once believed that the ANC was going to change our education system for the betterment of all. We were led to believe that education under apartheid was devised to undermine human dignity, to erode the capacity for creative thinking, divide people into categories of worth, undermining the possibilities of learning for most young South Africans.
To date, our rural learners are being swept away by overflowing rivers, drowning in pit latrines, learning under trees, and don’t have adequate learning material. The harshest reality is that these learners are black, not failing to mention the harsh challenges facing girl leaners- as they are unable to access sanitary towels.
ActionSA believes that feeding schemes need to be adequately funded in order to serve indigent communities to ensure adequate access to nutrition. We believe that pit toilets and mud schools must be eradicated and the dignity of girl learner to be restored by providing access to free sanitary towels.
It is a sad indictment on our society that condoms are freely available for sex, which is a choice, but not sanitary pads for menstruation which is not a choice!
It is now up to us once again as South Africans to reject this useless, uncaring government and step up to clean up the mess we find ourselves in!
South Africa needs an education system that seeks to deliver a multi-faceted approach to quality education and one that ensures that all relevant stakeholders and departments play their part. In our quest to level the playing field, we will embrace creative solutions, including the use of technology.
We believe that in addressing some of the challenges we face, ActionSA will reinstate Teacher Training Colleges, retrain educators, ensure fit-for-purpose placements, implement performance management, offer incentives, and as well as practicals for student teachers.
ActionSA will structure the vocational education stream to develop technical and artisan skills that are in demand in South Africa’s economy and increase the chances of employment of graduates.
We believe that role of ECDs is critical and forms the cornerstone to Basic Education, together with the importance of Special Needs and remedial Education. People with disabilities have long been telling society that they too can be active citizens in the economy, rather than automatic recipients of income grants.
ActionSA believes that South Africa’s education system needs to produce learners that actively participate in the economy of our country and capacitated with practical life skills such as financial literacy, entrepreneurship, computer skills and other vocational skills required by the economic growth as encapsulated in our ActionSA policies.
We have adopted an approach that assesses what is effective versus what is not, ensuring that the content of policies and plans is practically implementable. We evaluate the return on investment of previous projects and interventions before introducing any changes.
ActionSA has adopted a scaffolding approach to Basic Education where each education phase is linked to the next. Our ECD approach for example, through mother-tongue and English instruction, puts in place the foundation for basic numeracy and literacy and age-appropriate, practical life skills, Foundation Phase builds on that foundation in terms of developing literacy and basic maths and other phases continue to build on that solid foundation.
The implementation of the comprehensive National Reading Plan will be made a priority. ActionSA believes that we cannot continue to tolerate a situation where 82% of 10-year-old leaners cannot read for meaning in their mother tongue. We must act with immense urgency to create a nation of readers.
Beyond the rhetoric and politricking, ActionSA believes that South Africans deserve to enjoy the benefits of an equal education system and a country that works.