eSwatini Government Must Cease Authoritarian Practices

ActionSA is deeply concerned by the on-going political and security unrest in the Kingdom of eSwatini. More so, reports of civilian deaths makes the present circumstances all the more concerning.

ActionSA believes that South Africa’s foreign policy should be guided by the need to uphold human rights and civil liberties. Accordingly, we believe that all citizens have the right to peaceful protest to highlight legitimate concerns – a principle endorsed by all who support good governance.

It is incumbent on the South African government and the Southern African Development Community (SADC) to engage the government of eSwatini in a bid to secure regional stability – the current situation presents a potential refugee and security crisis which cannot go ignored.

We call on the government of eSwatini, and its security forces, to exercise restraint and cease all authoritarian efforts to quell legitimate political dissent. Rather, the government of eSwatini must focus its efforts on creating an environment where meaningful and peaceful dialogue can take place between government, the citizens of eSwatini, and civil society to find a collective solution to the political and socio-economic challenges of the country.

We cannot fail the people of eSwatini in the same manner as we did Zimbabwe. We cannot afford another failed state within the region.
