Primrose Assault: Foreign National Released on R500 bail As Victim Irregularly Charged

ActionSA is outraged that Sylvester Ezuko Uchekpu – the undocumented foreign national who intimidated Patricia Khoza’s son Chisom Khoza in Primrose, Germiston two weeks ago – was released on R500 bail despite a lack of proof that he’s in the country legally and having a previous conviction of possession of drugs. Meanwhile, Chisom was today irregularly charged with assaulting Uchekpu despite the opposite happening, which is similar to how Patricia was charged with assault last year after helping to get an undocumented foreign national arrested for hijacking a building.

The developments at the Primrose Police Station and Germiston Magistrate’s Court are emblematic of how South Africa’s justice system is in tatters. There appears to be no honour in our legal profession, but instead the only honour appears to be amongst thieves and criminals.

As a party committed to the rule of law, ActionSA will not allow our justice system to protect criminals above law abiding citizens. We will continue to tirelessly support the Khoza family to ensure that their rights are protected and those who have committed crimes are held accountable. We will not stand by while we see a breakdown in the rule of law in South Africa.

We have already written to the Gauteng Police Commissioner to intervene to ensure that police no longer make use of delaying tactics or protect criminals instead of protecting the victims of crime. We will furthermore be asking the Public Protector to investigate the abuse of justice.

ActionSA also applauds the work of our City of Ekurhuleni councillor and trained attorney Kutloano Phoshoko who worked long hours over the festive season to protect the Khoza’s from intimidation and ensure that Uchekpu is charged with the crimes he committed – after Primrose Police initially refused to open charges on frivolous grounds. Phoshoko

represents the calibre of public servants ActionSA would like to attract to represent the South African people.

ActionSA will simply not allow abuse of justice and ensure that criminals are held accountable. South Africa is a country governed by laws, and we will not allow those laws to be ignored. We cannot allow the hard-fought rights of South Africans to be infringed upon in such a manner.
